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Persistent Systems

(Software Engineer)

Company Profile :

Persistent Systems (BSE: 533179, NSE: PERSISTENT) is a business based in Pune, India, that sells outsourced software development. It was established in 1990. Persistent has over 6,800 employees and 300 customers spread across North America, Europe, and Asia.

Interview Process :
Persistent Systems Ltd. visited NIT, Bhopal on 07/08/2011.
The interview process included the following stages :
1) An objective type written test. Around 60 questions in 1 hr which included around 10 aptitude questions and others from C, Datastructure, Operating System, Computer Network, Software Engineering, Database etc

2) A subjective question which had to be solved in any programming language (even algorithm would do). Around 20 mins were given for it.

3) 2 rounds of technical interview. Questions were mainly from Datastructure, Operating System and Database. I was asked to reverse a linked list using a stack and write some sql queries which included use of JOIN.

4) HR interview which is basically just an interactive round with the HR.

At each stage, we get to know if we are still in the selection process of have been eliminated.

They were looking for right logic rather than perfect syntax.

CTC Offered : 3.55 lpa
Location : Nagpur, Maharashtra
Bond : No bond


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